Saturday, 9 May 2009

Virtual Memory Lane

In nursing my aching back, the result of some bad squats and stubborn practices I should have known better than to adhere to (work through it!), I took a rest day. It was Saturday, so no harm done, but over the past few hours, amidst some light cleaning, some movie watching, television catching up, and writing, I began, and continued, to look through old blogs, letters, emails, posts, writings and whatnot spanning a good ten years or more.

Many of you are remembered often regardless, but it's really amazing to go through moments in time, reading captured thoughts and conversations, contextualized and compartmentalized, that have been such an amusing, amazing, insightful, influential, or otherwise important part of my life past, present and future. Often it's specific advice or notice to a particular time, place or event, but as those are and/or were the events that have shaped who I am, they prove nonetheless as applicable today, even if only to serve the memory they help create. I have some of your engagement/wedding musings, your condolences, your frustrations (concerning me, concerning you, concerning others), your announcements, your encouragements, your correspondences, reactions, news, updates, and other forms of communique tucked away in emails, blog posts, cut-and-pasted tidbits, and of course, recorded in my own recollections, both fictitious and factual, in voices composed or comprised of amalgamations, combinations, permutations, or (un)reasonable facsimiles.

Some made me smile. Some made me think. I'm glad I have them all though, as I'm glad I have all y'all, especially as needed, when needed, and I hope at least at times you can say the same of me.

It's funny how there is little here for me to relate to my past, but I still find ways back. I'm undecided as to the merits or faults that lie in that journey, despite my frequent travels, and I'm sure that those of you who know me best could offer your insight on the subject, but that's another note. This one is a thank you note.

So thanks.

- Foster


  1. Stopping by via Ronnie's blog. I think we all find ways back to our past, willing or otherwise, and often times speech or thought from another will provoke it far quicker then something that pops randomly into our own thoughts.

    Cheers to each others journey's and the walks we share.

  2. Hillbilly,

    True. However, I think I may, for better or worse, relish those experiences more than most. Or so some of the criticism has implied at times in my life, but I'm coming to terms with that.

    Anyhow, thanks for stopping by. Ronnie's blog has proven a hub of sorts for me as well.

    And yes, Cheers!
